
This is the 3rd and last post of the Week 8!
This second part of classe was the 5th day of the classes 102 Creative Chemistry.
We did 6 different techniques with distinct effects, using several type of material, including: sticky powder; glitter rock candy and chalkboard.

Este é a 3ª publicação e última da semana 8!
Esta segunda parta da aula foi o dia 5 das aulas do curso Química Criativa 102. Fizemos 6 técnicas com efeitos diferentes e usando vários materiais entre os quais: "sticky powder"; "glitter rock candy" e giz.

Follow are the tag that were create during the class.

De seguida a tags que criei durante a aula.

Rusting Technique with Embossing Powder Aged Mahogany
Sticky Powder Glitter Rocky Candy Technique
Sticky Powder Leafing Technique, using Metallic Leafing
Shabby Chic Technique with Distress Paint and Clear Embossing Powder
Tarnished Silver Technique, using Silver Embossing Powder and Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel
Chalkboard Technique using Antiquities Forested Crystal