This is the 3rd and last post of the Week 8!
This second part of classe was the 5th day of the classes 102 Creative Chemistry.
We did 6 different techniques with distinct effects, using several type of material, including: sticky powder; glitter rock candy and chalkboard.
Este é a 3ª publicação e última da semana 8!
Esta segunda parta da aula foi o dia 5 das aulas do curso Química Criativa 102. Fizemos 6 técnicas com efeitos diferentes e usando vários materiais entre os quais: "sticky powder"; "glitter rock candy" e giz.
Follow are the tag that were create during the class.
De seguida a tags que criei durante a aula.
Rusting Technique with Embossing Powder Aged Mahogany |
Sticky Powder Glitter Rocky Candy Technique |
Sticky Powder Leafing Technique, using Metallic Leafing |
Shabby Chic Technique with Distress Paint and Clear Embossing Powder |
Tarnished Silver Technique, using Silver Embossing Powder and Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel |
Chalkboard Technique using Antiquities Forested Crystal |
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